Saturday, July 21, 2007

Ideal Weekend- if not on vacation

Saturday! Ahhh, the first weekend with nothing specific planned! I had to go into town today to get bug stuff for my roses- and while I was at Lowe's, my son Jon and I checked out paint chips to see about painting his room before school starts. A new coat of paint- maybe a fresh start??

The only bad thing that happened, my oldest daughter, called me in tears, she wasn't feeling well- I tried to give her advice over the phone, but no matter how old they are I guess, the MOM gene kicks in and the worry overtakes you. We must have talked about 10 times in about 30 minutes- go try this...then call me, try that..then call me...eventually after about 1/2 hour she was feeling better. WHEW! Back to SHOPPING!

Jon wanted to go to Borders today, he and his other sister Kelsey went there to get the Harry Potter book at midnight, I guess Kelsey stayed up 'till 4 a.m. reading- she's currently on chapter 9 already! I haven't even read one all the way through- I probably should....I've seen the movies and the movies were great!

While at Borders, I purused the magazine isle- my favorite place! I found this Somerset Living magazine, and it mentioned weblogs! (by artists and writers- both of which I pretend I am in my fantasy world) I hope to develop my blog like I saw in those pages!
I also picked up 2 writing magazines.

My friend Dorene (HI DORENE!) is in New Mexico trying on a new life, and having a window of opportunity to write the book she's always wanted...she and I both have talked about writing- she's more likely to do it than I, - I digress, please try to stay with me- it's not easy but I'll do my best to stay on topic.....
I do have three books in this brain of mine that I would love to try my fingers at. The first one would be a girly book about friendships- which may be sequels (yeah right). The second one is about the Parish Nurse- maybe a text/chicken soup mix type book, and the last one, hmm can't remember now, guess I won't write that one! HA

SO, these magazines are going to tell me HOW to do the writing! The first one,is Writer's Digest and has writing software, I would love to get my hands on that! We are thinking of buying a new computer maybe a laptop, and I would buy some software to write! It also has inspiring writing rooms... I've always fancied a beautiful corner in my house, where writing tablets, exquisite pens, sketch pads, pictures and a comfy chair are, with NO distractions-- not bloodly likely in my house with the three kids, and dog and two cats in this house... as I'm writing I have dear son moaning about his shin splints and trying to whine about having to mow and channel surfing. Who says boys can't multi-task?
The other writing magazine, The Writer- article on How to fix 3 common fiction errors.... my guess is you have to actually WRITE in order to hafve an error- but hey I can learn BEFORE I make the mistakes right?

The last magazine is about Baby pages for scrapbooking! I hope to put some of my scrapbook pages on the blog (I'm taking pictures of them tonight) and the ones that I'm making for my new niece! I'm very excited about making her a pre-made album! (HI DEB and MARC!)

So, in the coming weeks, check back for more art work, progress on the writing, and more blabbing!

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