Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Basement progress and my mom

Well it dawned on me that my mom is coming ONE MONTH From today!! (For a month stay!) where she's going to sleep I have NO idea- we're embarking on the basement project this weekend if I can get stuff moved before that. I was going to post before pictures but I think I'll wait until the project is complete so you can see the total transformation.

Day 8 for the Wii fit- wii fit age 36 again today. I did about 31 minutes yesterday, nothing so far today- and I was going to the chiropractor but didn't get around to calling for an appointment today ;( Walking is not going to happen until I'm adjusted better.

I'm heading over to the clinic to drop off a nice donation and see Doc and Tammy on my way home, but NO sonic blast. I'm committed to trying to drop this weight! I splurged last night but now today, I've done great. I had a panera strawberry salad with chicken strips. It was delicious.

Wii fit: 31 minutes yesterday
Wii Fit age: 36 hehehehe
That's all that's fallen from my fingertips! Until next time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is coming for a whole month? Wow! I remember after Emma was born, Mom stayed with us for about 3 weeks. Of course, I was hormonal and nervous about being a new mom, but I really enjoyed that time with her.

I want to hear more about the basement transformation! I'm sure our basement would be transformed if we'd just unpack some of the boxes from our move 2 years ago! :)

Talk at ya soon!

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