Friday, May 16, 2008

Long overdue!

I've been MEANING to get to this- "It's just one thing then your mother" my co-worker said the other day.

Speaking of my mother- OY VEH! Where do I begin??

Well, I went to Iowa with my sweet husband for a "Vacation" to move Grandma into another care facility. NOT my idea of fun..but non-the-less she is settled for the most part. THank you brother Jerry for the loan of the trailer. And thank Kelsey for loaning her car to make the trip and having something that can haul a trailer

Grandma has a hard time parting with her possessions and couldn't grasp the fact that her room was smaller than the previous one. As the strong bull headed women in my family are (with her as the ring leader) we all locked horns several times.

NOT the way you want to spend family bonding time!
I did get to see my dad's side of the family for a MOMENT-

here are pictures of the nephews and neice!

Here are some old pictures I wanted to post but never got around to..the beautiful last snow!


They went to church with me, and surprised me with the beautiful necklace with each of their birthstones! Pink- Marne, Green-Kelsey (and me) and Blue-Jon what a delightful surprise! They each wore the corresponding colored shirt to church!

Later we had a yummy dinner that I didn't have to cook- and then Jon surprised me with this cookie! How cool!!

Now that brings me to the last entry today-

since it is already way after closing time at work and I want to go home!

Yesterday Marne and I came home down the road to find the family of geese living across the street at the pond were in the road struggling to find the hole they could go back through to get to the pond! here were finally captured a few pictures-

Fearful of the daddy goose that might bite us these pictures aren't the best. Here are two of the three gooslings! I call them HUEY DUEY and LUEY of course! LOL

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