Monday, December 3, 2007

He better hope....

Ok, my weekend started on Thursday- Night to be specific!
We had our Graceworks Board meeting.
My boss did an outstanding job in her presentation for the board- and we were very excited the board agreed to the purposed budget!
It is ambitious and agressive.
It will be so awesome to see God's hands at work in this ministry over the next year!
Marne, my friend Tina and I went over to Chili's for a little decompression-
then my daughter drove me home.
I dealt with Jon and his homework issues.
When I get a call from my sweet hard working husband- he's at work, in Medical-
and I spoke to the nurse.
Seems he was having LEFT arm pain!
The EKG showed a slight arrythmia and she suggested he be transported by ambulance to the hospital for evaluation. After making certain he was in no immediate danger-
I told her I would come get him.
We went to the hospital;
and I told him "you better hope it's your heart or your in trouble!"
of course I was just kidding....
sort of...

here you can see his blood pressure was 144/99
Here is pitful
This is when we found out it's 99% chance it's not his heart

May he rest- LATER! Get back to WORK!
So , I drove him back to work, and went to bed about 5 a.m.
Woke up at 6:00 for Jon and Marne leaving,
Woke up at 6:30 a.m. when the late great husband returned
Woke up at 8:45 a.m. for Kelsey- wondering why I wasn't leaving for work yet!
I called into work- TIRED!
Friday night I got to scrapbook- and had a blast!
Saturday, I worked at the Park for Walk Across Williamson for a few hours
Then worked on putting up Christmas and cleaning.
Dear sweet hubby (notice the change?)
HE booked flights to Iowa for Jon and me over the holidays!!
So, I can't be TOO mad at the best husband in the whole world!
Sunday, I worshiped- then went to the grocery store, then worked on more Christmas!! The girls had all the lights on (that's as far as we got) and Jon and Kelsey brought up all the boxes. I do have TOO much!!
So, here I am at work- ready for the week!
We have a volunteer meeting that I am requested to attend- so that's tonight,
Church Wednesday, a
nd then Spagetti supper on Friday for Jon's ROTC.
No wonder it seems like Christmas sneeks up on us!

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